

This website is dedicated to the work of Edward James Martin, an American sculptor who spent countless hours in his studio. When he died in 2013 at the age of 82, he left behind a massive body of work.

Creating sculpture was the passion of Edward Martin’s life – his imagination was boundless. After he and his wife, Alma, moved from Hempstead, Long Island, to Saugerties, NY, in 2006, his day was not complete without spending time in his 100-year-old barn/studio working on several pieces at a time. He also regularly took the time to mow his sixteen-acre property on his Toro tractor, an activity that he seemed to enjoy.

Martin worked in diverse media: wood, acrylic, black marble, and his favorite, Etowah pink marble from Georgia. In addition to some of the sculptures you see here, he also painted, made beautiful pottery, and crafted functional furniture. He was educated at Tuskegee University in industrial arts and design and become a furniture maker on a master-craftsman level.

We hope you enjoy what you see here. If you would like to know more about his work or to see it in person, please contact his widow, Dr. Alma Jones Norment, at drnorment@gmail.com.